Welcome Greeting & Menu Prompt
If you can’t always answer that call immediately, a professionally-voiced Welcome Greeting will be the first thing your customer will hear. This greeting confirms they’ve called the right place and will soon be connected to someone who can help. It can also showcase your company slogan and introduce your brand.
Many businesses also use a menu prompt within their Welcome Greeting. A menu prompt lists the different departments within a business and advises the caller how to connect with the department of their choice.
e.g. “Welcome to Fix Leak Plumbing, please Press 1 to book a Plumber, Press 2 for Accounts..”
It’s important that a Welcome Greeting and menu prompt must be warm and
Business Voicemail Greetings
A professional Business Voicemail Greeting for your phone system is a necessity. When someone calls after hours, they need to know they’ve called the right place… but at the wrong time. When that happens, you can tell them the best time to call back or invite them to leave a message.
Often you would have a voicemail greeting that plays within Business Hours, and also another voicemail greeting that plays After Business Hours.
e.g. “Welcome to Fix Leak Plumbing, you have called outside business hours…… please leave a message”
If you don’t have a professional business voicemail greetings – get one here today!

Listen to Welcome Greeting Demos
Two Brothers
Done Digital
Benefits of Phone Greetings
Earn Callers Trust
Using an experienced Professional Voice is guaranteed to help ensure your callers trust your brand.
Reduce Caller Hangups
A warm and inviting professional voice will help ensure callers don’t hang up.
Royalty Free, Forever
We license you top quality audio which you can use forever, with no royalties and no ongoing fees.
Direct your Callers
Using a Menu Prompt Greeting, effortlessly get your callers to the approrpiate extension quickly.
Get One Time Pricing OR a Monthly Plan.
Real Human Voices. 3 Day Delivery.
Need a custom package? Just ask!

Just want a Welcome or Voicemail?
- Select from 30+ Experienced Voice Talents
- Professional studio-quality voice overs
- Delivered digitally ready for upload to your file system
- 3 Working Day Delivery
only $79
One Off Cost Option. Select Your Bundle:
Welcome Greeting
or Voicemail Greeting- ✓ Welcome Greeting
- OR Voicemail Greeting
- Select from 30+ experienced Voice Talents
- Professional studio quality voiceovers
- Delivered digitally ready for upload to your Phone System
The Basics
Package- ✓ Welcome Greeting
- ✓ Business Hours Voicemail
- Select from 30+ experienced Voice Talents
- Professional studio quality voiceovers
- Delivered digitally ready for upload to your Phone System
The Listener
Most Popular Package- ✓ Welcome Greeting
- ✓ Business Hours Voicemail
- ✓ After Hours Voicemail
- ✓ Royalty Free On Hold Music
- ✓ Script Writing Assistance
- Select from 30+ experienced Voice Talents
- Professional studio quality voiceovers
- Delivered digitally ready for upload to your Phone System
The Complete
Package- ✓ Welcome Greeting
- ✓ Business Hours Voicemail
- ✓ After Hours Voicemail
- ✓ Royalty Free On Hold Music
- ✓ 4x 15 second On Hold Messages (mixed with Music)
- ✓ Script Writing Assistance
- Select from 30+ experienced Voice Talents
- Professional studio quality voiceovers
- Delivered digitally ready for upload to your Phone System
Welcome Greeting & Voicemail Greetings a max of 30 seconds. Enquire for longer.
All prices shown are in USD. One-Off Cost
Or want regular On Hold Messaging Updates?
Happy Customers

Friendly & helpful. The staff at OHVO really work with you. Easy and quality recordings, Great!
Target Furniture

Very professional with an extremely fast turnaround. Would highly recommend to anyone who asks!
Armstrong Security


Very efficient, professional and friendly. The ideas they added to our script were great!
Spaceships Rental

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