Scripting Examples

Need help writing your phone greeting scripts?

Then you’re in the right place!


However if you want a creative script, or really want to get the most out of your voice overs – leave it to us, the pros, for an extra small fee with your order!

Our scriptwriters know all the tips and tricks to make your phone voice overs portray the perfect image of your company without being too wordy (which is a common mistake). They will research your company and write your draft voice overs with an outside perspective! They can help you figure out how your script should be formatted, how to write it to get your callers feeling a certain way.. and many other things that you might not be able to.

BUT – If you still want to do your own below are some tips and example scripts that can really help!

scripting small

Example Phone Voiceover Scripts

Casual Examples


Welcome Greeting
Thanks for calling COMPANY, it’ll only be a moment before we connect you. Thanks for tapping into your never-ending well of patience.
Transfer Message (with a bit of humour)
Hi there, you’ve reached COMPANY! While I connect your call, please enjoy this music NAME picked out on Tuesday. He felt it gave our company, an ADJECTIVE vibe. *sigh*. Thanks for hanging tight.
Welcome Greeting (with Menu Prompt)
Thanks for calling COMPANY! To get you the best person for the task, grab a number coming up:

To talk about sales and ask tricky questions, hit 1.
To find ___________, push 2.
For ___________, tap 3.
For ___________, press 4.
Still not sure? Just hold the line

Welcome Greeting (with Creativity)

Hi! Welcome to ______

Are you anti automated phone systems and want to speak to a real person? Press 0 at any stage.

Otherwise ready to dive into the who’s who of the Vision crew? Please have your keypad and digits ready…

Do you have an alarm blaring in the background or something equally problematic? Press 1 for faults and fixes.

Do you have a system that needs a little TLC or are on one of our very handy service agreements? Press 2 for our service team.

Do you have an old outdated system, or parts thereof that need an overhaul, or perhaps nothing at all? Our sales team are available on 3.

Got a project underway or pending and need to talk technical nuts and bolts? Our operations team coming up on 4.

Do you have an account query and need to talk to the administrative types? Press 5.

Looks like we are running out of the typical options and you might need to press ## to talk to one of our admin superstars, press 0 now.

After-Hours Voicemail
Hey there, you’ve called COMPANY outside of office hours of TIME to TIME, DAY to DAY, but I promise we’re all laying in bed counting the minutes until we can call you back. Drop us your name, number, and reason for calling past our bedtime. Thanks again, chat with you soon.
Holiday Voicemail
Ruhroh – looks like our team at COMPANY isn’t in today, due to the holiday closure. Sorry we missed you, we promise to make it up to you. Don’t hang up just yet, because we do listen to our voicemail. Leave us a name, number, and reason for you call, and we’ll get back to you when we’re back in office.
Hunt Message
Hey thanks for calling…… okay please hold while I connect you to someone. (1.5-second pause) ahem! I said PLEASE HOLD while I connect you to SOMEONE (music starts and slows to a stop). Bill…Bill! Why isn’t this working?? (audible bang, motor sounds, jaguar malling someone in the background, glass shatters) Bill says: “okay try now!” (vinyl startup – music begins)

Professional Examples


Welcome Greeting
Please hold and someone will be with you shortly
Welcome Greeting (with Menu Prompt)


Press 1 for ___________

Press 2 for ___________

Press 3 for ___________

Or press 0 If you didn’t hear any options related to your call.

Business Voicemail Greeting 1
Hello, welcome to COMPANY. All our lines are currently busy, however we encourage you to try again in the next 15 minutes. Alternatively, you’ll get a chance to leave us your first name, phone number, and a brief reason for you call, after the beep. We’ll get back to you as soon as possible, we appreciate your call.
Business Voicemail Greeting 2
Thanks for calling COMPANY. We are currently helping our customers. If you require assistance you can leave a message after the tone, stating your name, telephone number, site and the assistance required. However our preferred method is for you to send an email to support@___________. Neither will affect our response time.
After-Hours Voicemail Greeting
Hi there, you’ve called COMPANY outside of our normal business hours which are TIME to TIME, DAY through DAY. You can leave us a contact name, phone number, and short message and we’ll return your call our next working day. In the meantime, you can visit our website at WEBSITE. Thanks again for the call.
Holiday Voicemail Greeting
Hello, thanks for calling COMPANY. Our offices are closed for the holiday period, however we will reopen at TIME on DATE. Our website might be able to answer your question: visit us at WEBSITE. Alternatively, you can send us an email at EMAIL or simply leave a voicemail with your name, number, and reason for your call. Enjoy your holiday!
Hunt Message
Please hold the line while we connect you with the right person.

Tips & Common Mistakes

What you SHOULD include
  • Business Hours
  • Website Address
  • Ways to Alternatively Contact You eg. Email Address
  • Specific information on Products & Services
  • Key selling points for using your Products & Services
  • Announcements of new Products & Services
  • News about upcoming events
  • Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
  • Trivia questions and answers
  • Unique Greeting
  • 3 – 4 benefits about doing business with you
  • Why you’re different than everyone else

If you are in the Medical industry, you may like to include health tips.

If you are in the Automotive industry, you could include economy or maintenance tips.

Picking the right voice

As your callers get older, high pitch sounds get harder to hear*. For this reason, if you callers are typically older or hearing impaired we recommend using Ohvo Male Voice Talent’s.

*According to the Speech Technology Magazine

You also want to ensure you choose the right voice to represent your business, and to best relate to and capture your callers interest.

This all depends on your individual business and your values. For example, at Ohvo we are casual and upbeat, so select our voice talent for our own voice overs based on this. Our personal greeting is upbeat, casual, and energetic!

Don't use jargon

Your voiceovers should be free of complicated jargon words which can merely confuse the caller. We want your callers experience to be as simple and efficient as possible, so make sure you use words and phrases that your general customer base can understand.

However obviously if your business is more niche/B2B then by all means, use the words they know and understand!

Be grammatically correct

Your messages should reflect your core brand promise and should be grammatically correct, or just needs to make sense to listen to. If a caller can’t understand what is trying to be said – there’s no point in saying anything!

Typical scripting mistakes

“Thank you for your call, you are important to us, please continue to hold and we will be with you shortly”.

The first time Callers hear this they believe it. Why would this lovely voice lie to me?

When the same message plays continuously.. callers get very bored and no longer feel like they are important! It creates a negative impression and can make the hold time feel far longer

Why not mention this once or twice (max!) and use these precious on hold moments to better use, such as to Promote Your Brand, Products or Services. This will help retain caller interest and decrease caller hang ups.

If you are for example a retail business, you may like to promote your current special deals. This would interest your callers as they are most likely calling up to enquire about your products anyway.

“Thanks for your patience. While you‘re on hold, we‘d like to tell you about our exciting offers…”

Do you have a jingle/sound byte?

If you’ve got a Company Jingle or commonly used sound byte in your market we would mix this in with your On Hold Voice Overs. This helps your callers instantly connect with your Brand.

Sound effects and creative scripting

Mixing in a SFX at the start of your messages is another great way to help callers connect with your brand.

eg. Space Ship Van Rentals could have an eg. Space Ship Sound Effect with a Apollo like voiceover providing callers a Welcome Greeting.

Our team is great at creative and producing uniqueness!. We want your callers to have a positive Lasting Impression.

Writing your script

Do you want the Voice Talent to read “zero, seven, triple two, zero, one, double zero” or how about “zero, seven, two, two, two, zero, one, zero, zero”

How do you want your place name eg. (Whitianga) said “Fiti-unga” or “Witianga”.

To make sure the voice talent reads your script the way you’d like it, make sure you write it out clearly, with pronunciation.

Happy Customers


Great experience, very professional, well done!

Neil Muller
sydneysiderealestate 2020

Thank you for organising our voice over message! It sounds great and is a huge improvement from our own efforts.

Sydney Side Real Estate

These guys are so quick and easy to work with! Once we hit the go button, we had the voiceovers by the next day!

Natalie Henderson
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Speak, Hold, Convince: Your Comprehensive Phone Voiceover Solution

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