Voicemail Greeting

Make a Great First Impression with a Professional Voicemail Greeting on your phone

Business Voicemail Greetings Clock

Why get a Professional Voicemail?

Your voicemail greeting is often the first interaction customers have with your business when you can’t answer their call. Make it impactful with a professional voicemail greeting that showcases your brand’s professionalism and attention to detail. A well-crafted greeting encourages customers to leave a message and maintains their trust in your brand, even when you’re unavailable.


Why Chose us?

Professional Quality: Our experienced human voice artists deliver clear, crisp, and engaging voicemail greetings.

Quick Turnaround: Get your professional voicemail greeting within 3 days.

Affordable Pricing: A one time cost of just $119.

Human Voices: Pick from 120+ local voices.

Happy Customers


Thanks a lot for the fantastic service!

Ben Carrick
O’Brien Plumbing
spaceships IVR Greetings

Very efficient, professional and friendly. The ideas they added to our script were great!

James Rolleston
Spaceship Rentals
1 3 4 5
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Frequently Asked Questions

Why is it a One Off Cost?

Because we only charge you when we record voiceovers. You can use the voice forever!

Supported Phone Systems?

If you have a Voicemail Service from your Telco, we can likely upload it via calling remotely. Or if you have a business phone system you can upload the audio file we sent you. Read More Info here.

What should my script say?

We can help you write your script for you! Otherwise here is some scripting examples and trips/tricks.

What if i’m not happy?

If we make a mistake in reading your script we will offcourse fix it! Any script changes would be chargeable however.
Who is Ohvo?

Professionals in Voiceovers for Business Phone Systems worldwide. With over 6 years experience and hundreds of clients.

Can I get Music Added?

Sure! contact us and we can quote that up for you!

Ohvo. Ensure your brand has a sound that sells with a warm, friendly with a Professional Voicemail Greeting. Get yours today.

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Copyright 2024, Ohvo - On Hold Voice Overs.